How can I A) find out how to keep syslog running, or B) either set or predict what I could filter the results from logger in asl. I found references to using 'syslog -s -k facility whatever', but when I pipe my tcpdump into syslog, the process dies after a few seconds or minutes. With OSXes 'logger', I can use -p to set a facility, but then the logs quietly vanish. Until the release of the Mountain Lion OS X, there was no default system solution available for iOS device owners to sync iMessage content across Macs. This dumps messages into system.log, but I'm trying to find a way to sort them out into their own. usr/sbin/tcpdump -lnettti pflog0 | /usr/bin/logger -t pf When I send a text from my Mac, the receiver gets a message from my apple ID not my phone number. But, for some reason Im not able to add my number to my Mac. Since it appears that Apple neglected to include pflogd, we have to make our own like: /sbin/ifconfig pflog0 create I recently downloaded Mountain Lion because I wanted to be able to send and receive iMessages from my phone number on my MacBook Air. To include emoji, click the Emoji Picker button. Press Tab or click the message field at the bottom of the window, then type your message. Or click the Add button and choose from your contacts. It basically fails sending every new message for me if the app has been quit for a while. Type the name, email address, or phone number of one or more recipients.

I'm trying to get pf working under Mountain Lion. Click the New Message button at the top of the Messages window.